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Salesian Co-operators is a lay organization
within the Salesian Family founded by Don Bosco in 1876.
As men and women, inserted in the world, the co-operator promises to serve youth and the working classes in the local church and neighbourhood by prayer and action lived out in their daily routine lives. The guiding inspiration is the spirit and charism of Don Bosco. In return, the Co-operator receives personal and close relationships with other members of the Salesian Family. During life and after death he/she shares in the daily masses, prayers, and good works of the entire Salesian Family. Today there are many young people who are
joining this movement throughout the world.
They are women (DBV) and men (DBSI) who
belong to a Secular Institute and who commit their whole life fully and
radically to God in chastity povery and obedience and yet do not live in
convents or religious houses.
They wear no distinctive clothing or any external sign that will distinguish them from any other man or woman. They do not have a community life but they have a strong communion of life with each other and with the Salesian Family. They are Committed Christians, single women
and men professionals, who follow Christ more closely by practicing their
profession and living fully their baptismal consecration.
Their apostolic action is aimed, above
all, toward the principal beneficiaries of Don Bosco's mission, poor youth.
"Unable to build a monument worthy of
the education received at the hands of Don Bosco, we decided to form a
Federation of Past Pupils so that we may become living monuments dedicated
to his memory". These are the words of Charles Gastini who was the
first member of the movement of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco.
One becomes a Past Pupil of Don Bosco simply by virtue of his/her education in an Institute run by the Salesians. By enrolling themselves in the association, they link themselves to the other members of the Salesian Family and are called to perpetuate in their lives the values they have received. They participate at their convenience, in the works of Don Bosco's mission throughout the world. There is a special branch of young Past Pupils in this Association. It is called GEX and they are very active among the youth. |
.The Archconfraternity of Devout Clients
of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA), may be regarded as the third living
monument raised up by St. John Bosco to the name of his heavenly Mother.
Ever since the time when the sanctuary in Turin began to be built, the
faithful made repeated demands for the establishment of an association
of devout persons, who united in a mutual spirit of prayer and devotion,
would offer a loving veneration to the Mother of God under the title of
Help of Christians.
On 18th April 1869, the Archbishop of Turin
approved the rules presented by Don Bosco, and declared the Association
of the Devout Clients of Mary Help of Christians canonically erected in
the sanctuary of Turin.
Don Bosco had at heart, the expansion of the Archconfraternity, which he loved and considered almost an integral part of the Salesian Society. |
The binding influence, the stabilizing
factory and the driving force behind the entire Salesian Family are the
Salesians of Don Bosco comprising of priests and brothers.
The Salesians of Don Bosco are a group of consecrated brothers and priests who carry out the mission of Don Bosco by living and working together in community. They specialize in working full time for youth. Brother: "You don't have to be a priest to be a Salesian… to work with me for the good of poor youth. I have such a great need for many of you to come and help me in this way as Salesian Brother." (Don Bosco) |
Don Bosco together with St. Mary Mazzarello founded the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians who, like the Salesians, dedicate their lives through the three vows of chastity, poverty and obedience lived in community. They reach out to girls in need. |
All the members of the Salesian Family, through their different institutions and services cater to the material, psychological and spiritual development of the young people. |
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