AREA - 3,702 sq.kms
POPULATION: 1.3 million
Agriculture: Main cash crops are
coconut , cashewnut , arecanut, sugarcane, and fruits like pineapple, mango
and banana. Goa produces 1,41,057 tones of paddy, 71,429 tones of sugarcane
and 116 million units of coconuts. The State has a rich forest cover of
more than 1,424 sq.k.m.
Irrigation and Power: Total potential
created by the irrigation projects from dams like Selaulim and Anjumun
and other minor irrigation projects till now is 34,843 hectare. All villages
have been electrified leading to cent per cent coverage.
Industry and Minerals: The State
has 5,430 small scale Industrial units with Investment of Rs.12,229 Lakhs
and employment opportunities for 33,666 persons. In large and medium sector,
these are 63 units with a total investment of Rs.43,695 Lakhs employing
11,700 persons. These are 14 Industrial estates besides a new electronic
city coming up in the State. Mineral products are fesso-manganese , bauxite
and iron ore contributing substantially to the economy of the State through
Tourist Centre: It is one of the
most important tourist centre of the country with many beaches, lake resorts
and churches, the main one being Basilica of Bon Jesus and St. Cathedral
churches at Old Goa. The State has rich wildlife sanctuaries.
AREA - 1,91,791
POPULATION - 4,49,77,201
Agriculture: The state stands 7th
in oilseed production in the country. The production of foodgrains has
increased from 76.04 lakh tonnes to 84.96 lakh tonnes. Annual production
horticultural crops is 120 lakh tonnes valued at Rs.4,500 crores.
Irrigation & Power : The ultimate
irrigation potential of the state, from all sources has been estimated
as about 55 lakh hectare consisting of 35 lakh hectare under major &medium,10
lakh hectare under minor irrigation (surface) project and 10 lakh hectare
under ground water resources .The total energy generated during 1996-97
was 12,312 Mus.The state achieved 100% electrification of villages as on
31st March 1989 itself.
Industry & Minerals : The state
is one of the leading industrialized states in India contributing 4% of
the National production in the industrial sector ,and 20%to the state income.Karnataka
stands first in production of electronic equipment &raw silk.The state
is famous in the world market for its sandal soap &sandal wood oil.The
state is rich in mineral resources.It has the distinction of being the
main gold producing states in the country.It is the solo producer of Felsite
&leading producer of moulding sand &Fuchsite Quartizite.The state
has rich deposits of granite.
AREA : 308,000 sq km
POPULATION : 78.93 million
Proportion of Maharashtra population to
all India population : 9.3 %
Principal Industries : Food products
, beverages , tobacco , & tobacco products , cotton textiles , textile
products &printing , rubber , plastic , petroleum & coal products
, basic chemicals &chemical products , metal products & parts ,
machinery , electrical machinery , apparatus &appliances & transport
State income at current prices (1994 -95)
: Rs.1,110.28 billion
State gross domestic product (1994 - 95)
:Rs. 1,231.78 billion.